If you had to choose, what images would you choose? Natural, only with partner, or fancy dresses which standing out from daily life?

What is the pregnancy/maternity session like?

 Being pregnant can be an overwhelming experience. Not only is your body changing, but so is your life. Indeed, as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world, it can be easy to overlook your pregnancy as a time to be celebrated. In fact, as the weeks go by, many women begin to lose confidence. However, being pregnant is a magical experience and a time when you deserve to not only feel beautiful but cherished. 

A professional maternity photo shoot is not only a way to honour and celebrate your body, but a way to commemorate this unique time in your life and capture memories that you will treasure forever. Moreover, baby bump photography can be a beautiful addition to a family album and something that many mums wish they had invested in in hindsight. Indeed, this is a time you can never get back and maternity photography truly is an investment that will last a lifetime.

     Every session is prepared individually. 

Before the session, I am asking my mother to send me a few sample photos from my website to find out what she prefers. The day before the session, I will develop an individual plan of posing, background and clothing. My Clients choose dresses and materials that they like best. As soon as we agreed, I'm showing the positions and giving directions to get the best possible result and take the most of our meeting. Of course, every mother is different and we choose the motion and positions according to the model's abilities. I like this individual contribution of my models to my own session. Here are a few photos from the session I had the opportunity to create. The future mother decided to use delicate materials and those that blow in the wind. The effects of our work you can see below. 

At each pregnancy session, I encourage future parents to take photos together, as a common memories for their child.

The most popular image and "must have" on almost every session.my heart is melting every time mom asks for this epic image. In this scenario, future parents are together.

 The photo gallery is diverse from these delicate poses to artistic ones with different range of colors.


If you had to choose, what images would you choose? Natural, only with partner, or fancy dresses which standing out from daily life?
More examples; https://www.ewarapciakphotography.com/maternity



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